The article you cite is about the paintings. My most recent extensive publication on the subject is from 2011, on the Schwartzlist. Concerning the drawings, see my columns from 2010, starting at My ideas about particular works are always changing, but not about the big picture. Colleagues sometimes tell me informally that they agree with my call for critical clarity, but in print they somehow never do.
Thank you for your research and challenging enquires on Rembrandts drawings.
Are there any publications which show how your opinion has evolved closer to 2019?
The article you cite is about the paintings. My most recent extensive publication on the subject is from 2011, on the Schwartzlist. Concerning the drawings, see my columns from 2010, starting at My ideas about particular works are always changing, but not about the big picture. Colleagues sometimes tell me informally that they agree with my call for critical clarity, but in print they somehow never do.