301 2 Core list of Rembrandt drawings:
with inscriptions in Rembrandt’s handwriting other than a signature

21 drawings with inscriptions by Rembrandt of which his authorship of the drawing itself is accepted
2 drawings with inscriptions by Rembrandt of which his authorship of the drawing itself may be doubted
1 drawing with an inscription by Rembrandt that he did not draw


For an explanation of the nature of this list, see Schwartzlist 301

Continue reading “301 2 Core list of Rembrandt drawings:
with inscriptions in Rembrandt’s handwriting other than a signature”

301 1 Core list of Rembrandt drawings:
signed drawings

21 drawings with Rembrandt’s signature of which his authorship is accepted
3 drawings with signatures that might be authentic but the drawing itself not by the hand of the master
2 etchings reworked by hand and signed by Rembrandt

For an explanation of the nature of this list, see Schwartzlist 301.

Continue reading “301 1 Core list of Rembrandt drawings:
signed drawings”

301 Rembrandt’s core: the drawings

Since 1991, the opinion has held sway that only 70 drawings by Rembrandt can be confirmed with great certainty. That is, drawings that are signed, otherwise inscribed in Rembrandt’s hand, indented for transfer to the etching plate or serving as preparatory studies for an autograph painting or etching. Schwartz now expands that list from 70 to 169.

Continue reading “301 Rembrandt’s core: the drawings”

300 O Solomon, where art thou?

A painting by Jan Steen of a wedding night disturbed by a demon and saved by an archangel was cut in two in the distant past and put back together again in 1996. Ownership of the larger, more attractive part has now been awarded to the heirs of a Dutch Jewish art dealer to whom it belonged in 1940. What is going to happen now? Ending with an appeal to Marei von Saher.

Continue reading “300 O Solomon, where art thou?”