301 5 Core list of Rembrandt drawings:
related to details of history paintings

22 drawings, related to
10 paintings

For an explanation of the nature of this list, see Schwartzlist 301

Rembrandt, Old man reading a book, ca. 1628
Related to painting in Melbourne (Bredius 423) interpreted as a discussion between Sts. Peter and Paul
Berlin, Kupferstichkabinett
References: Benesch 7. Bevers 2006, nr. 1. MRK 2010

Rembrandt, Three scribes, ca. 1628-29
Rotterdam, Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen
References: Benesch 6 verso. Giltaij 1988, nr. 2. MRK 2010

Rembrandt, Two figures seated in armchairs, ca. 1628-29
Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum
References: Benesch 9 recto. Schatborn 1985, nr. 5. Schnackenburg and van de Wetering (van den Boogert) 2000, nr. 34. MRK 2010

Both drawings are related to the painting in a private English collection of Judas returning the 30 pieces of silver to the priests (Bredius 539A; detail shown here)

Rembrandt, Study of the legs of a seated woman, ca. 1628
Related to painting of the capture of Samson, dated 1628, in Berlin (Bredius 489)
Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum
References: Benesch 9 verso. Schatborn 1985, nr. 5. MRK 2010

Rembrandt, Nude woman reclining, seen from behind, ca. 1632
Related to painting of 1634 of Diana, Callisto and Actaeon in Anholt (Bredius 472)
Stockholm, Nationalmuseum
References: Benesch 192A. Magnusson 1992, nr. 132. Not in MRK 2010


Rembrandt, Groups of listeners, mid-1630s
Berlin, Kupferstichkabinett
References: Benesch 140. Bevers 2006, nr. 12. MRK 2010

Rembrandt, Studies for groups and figures, mid-1630s
Berlin, Kupferstichkabinett
References: Benesch 141. Bevers 2006, nr. 11. MRK 2010

Rembrandt, Two studies of John the Baptist, mid-1630s
London, Courtauld Gallery
References: Benesch 142A. Bevers 2006, sub nr. 12. MRK 2010

Rembrandt, Two studies of a woman seated on the ground, mid-1630s
Paris, Louvre
References: Benesch 197. Starcky 1988, nr. 23. Not MRK 2010

Rembrandt, Two men in discussion, a third listening to them, mid-1630s
Chatsworth, Devonshire Collection
References: Benesch 142 recto. Bevers 2006, sub nr. 12. MRK 2010

Rembrandt, Sketch of a bearded old man and three studies of headgear, ca. 1634
Chatsworth, Devonshire Collection
References: Benesch 142 verso. Bevers 2006, sub nr. 12. MRK 2010

Rembrandt, Bearded old man in a high fur cap, mid-1630s
New York, Morgan Library
References: Benesch 336. Bevers 2006, sub nr. 12. MRK 336

Rembrandt, Bearded old man with a fur cap, mid-1630s
Paris, Louvre
References: Benesch 369. Starcky 1988, nr. 15. Not MRK 2010

These sheets stand in relation to details in the painting in Berlin of St. John the Baptist preaching (Bredius 555) of about 1636

Rembrandt, Old man in a turban, drawn twice, ca. 1636
Berlin, P. v. Schwabach collection (information from Benesch 1973)
References: Benesch 155. Not MRK 2010

Rembrandt, Head of an oriental in a turban, ca. 1636
Paris, Dr. Otto Wertheimer collection (information from Benesch 1973)
References: Benesch 156. Not MRK 2010

Rembrandt, Old man in a turban, ca. 1636
Melbourne, National Gallery of Victoria
References: Benesch 157. Blankert 1997, nr. 80. MRK 2010

Rembrandt, Head of an oriental in a turban, ca. 1636
Paris, Louvre
References: Benesch 158. Starcky 1988, nr. 27. Not MRK 2010

Rembrandt, Study for a Susanna, ca. 1647
Berlin, Kupferstichkabinett
References: Benesch 590. Bevers 2006, nr. 27. Not MRK 2010

Although the correspondences and datings are not always exact, it is clear that these drawings are related to Rembrandt’s work on the theme of Susanna and the elders in his paintings of 1636 in The Hague (Bredius 505) and of 1647 in Berlin (Bredius 516). The Corpus of Rembrandt paintings, vol. 3, under nr. A 117, considers the evidence for a tie of the first three of the drawings to the earlier painting too slight to be acknowledged.

Rembrandt, A man helping a rider to mount a horse, ca. 1641
Comes close to central motif in The concord of the state of about 1641 in Rotterdam (Bredius 476)
Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum
References: Benesch 363 recto. Schatborn 1985, nr. 20. Not MRK 2010

Rembrandt, Seated old woman, full length, ca. 1635. Wroclaw, Ossolineum
Rembrandt, Seated old woman, half-length, ca. 1641. London, Courtauld Gallery
The drawings of an old woman are related to the figure of St. Anne in a 1640 painting of the holy family in Paris (Bredius 563) as well as to a portrait in the Hermitage of uncertain status (Bredius 361, not illustrated).
References: Benesch 685. Tomicka et al. 2009, nr. 3. Benesch 684. Neither MRK 2010

Rembrandt, Walking man in a high cap, ca. 1660
Related to detail of The prodigal son of about 1600 in the Hermitage, St. Petersburg (Bredius 598)
References: Benesch 1068B. Schatborn 1985, nr. 48. Not MRK 2010